Play | Soundtrack | Movie/Serie | Type | |
Poinciana | The Bridges of Madison County | writer | |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) | The Simpsons | composer, writer | |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) | Rio Sex Comedy | writer | |
Little Curly Hair in a High Chair | Forty Little Mothers | composer | |
Cuban Cabby | I Love Lucy | writer | |
I Never Slept a Wink Last Night | Nuremberg | writer | |
Istanbul | The Bette Midler Show | composer | |
No Can Do | Community Sing 7655: No Can Do | writer | |
The Gaucho Serenade | Gaucho Serenade | composer | |
The Old Lamplighter | Twilight on the Rio Grande | composer | |
And Mimi | It's a Pity | composer | |
At a Little Country Tavern | At a Little Country Tavern | composer | |
Doin' the Argentine | Doin' the Argentine | composer | |
Everybody Loves a Sailor | The Girl from Missouri | writer | |
Her Bathing Suit Never Got Wet | Remember When... | writer | |
Home - Home on the Kitchen Range | Home on the Kitchen Range | writer | |
Istanbul | Black Magic | composer | |
Istanbul | Da Lintsi -koodi | writer | |
Istanbul | Tähtisilmä | writer | |
Istanbul | The Man in the High Castle | writer | |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) | Muppets Tonight | composer | |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) | Mystery Science Theater 3000 | composer | |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) | Raising Hope | composer | |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) | Strictly Come Dancing | writer | |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) | Mona Lisa Smile | writer | |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) | The Umbrella Academy | writer | |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) / Standing on the Corner | Magic Moments: The Best of 50's Pop | writer | |
Istanbul (Not Constantinopole) | The Ambassador | writer | |
Kisses to You | Kisses to You | composer | |
Little Lady Make Believe | Make Room for Daddy | writer | |
My Bolero | Come to the Stable | writer | |
Never Water a Lily with Wine | Never Water a Lily with Wine | composer | |
No Can Do | Champagne Music | composer | |
Old King Cole Was a Merry Old Soul | The Merry Old Soul | composer | |
Poinciana | You Bet Your Life | composer | |
Poinciana | Dreamboat | composer | |
Poinciana | Summer of My German Soldier | writer | |
Poinciana | All About Eve | composer | |
Poinciana | The Woman Chaser | writer | |
Sweet Hawaiian Dreams | Sweet Hawaiian Dreams | composer | |
The Gaucho Serenade | Crazy Cruise | writer | |
The Gaucho Serenade | Daffy's Southern Exposure | composer | |
The Gaucho Serenade | It All Came True | writer | |
The Gaucho Serenade | Mexican Joyride | writer | |
The Gaucho Serenade | The Grass Is Always Greener | composer | |
The Gaucho Serenade | The Timid Toreador | writer | |
The Name Was Smith | The Name Was Smith | writer | |
Unsophisticated Sue | Unsophisticated Sue | composer | |
Wait for Me Mary | Winged Victory | writer | |
Willie the Window Washer | Willie, the Window Washer | composer | |
You're a Sap, Mister Jap | You're a Sap, Mr. Jap | composer | |
You're in My Power | Betty Boop's Prize Show | writer | |
You've Got Me Guessing | You've Got Me Guessing | composer |