Amahl and the Night Visitors Banda sonora (1978) BSO

  • Amahl and the Night Visitors 1978 poster

    Amahl and the Night Visitors (1978) Banda sonora

    Rating: 7.8/10 from 68 votes

One night in Judea, a disabled shepherd boy-turned-beggar and his mother are visited by three strangers. They are the Three Kings, and they are on their way to Bethlehem to visit the Christ Child, who has just been born.

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Amahl and the Night Visitors

Giorgio Tozzi: intérprete
Willard White: intérprete
Jesús López Cobos: intérprete
Michael Lewis: intérprete
Gian Carlo Menotti: compositor
Teresa Stratas: intérprete
Robert Sapolsky: intérprete
Nico Castel: intérprete

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