John Carter Banda sonora (2012) BSO

  • John Carter 2012 poster

    John Carter (2012) Banda sonora


    John Carter of Mars


    John Carter - Zwischen zwei Welten

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Escucha John Carter (2012) Banda sonora

Transported to Barsoom, a Civil War vet discovers a barren planet seemingly inhabited by 12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter Woola and a princess in desperate need of...

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Kings and Queens

30 Seconds to Mars: intérprete, productor
Jared Leto: escritor
Steve Lillywhite: productor
   Buy 'John Carter of Mars' on Amazon

John Carter of Mars

Michael Giacchino: compositor
Monique Donnelly: intérprete
Tim Simonec: intérprete

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