Escucha Sabrina, the Animated Series (1999) Banda sonora
Short lived animated spin off of the television series Sabrina the Teenage Witch. The animated series is a prequel which features Sabrina as a pre-teen girl with small witch powers. Also features the hilarious wise-cracking cat Sa...
Consigue la película Sabrina, the Animated Series
Play | Título | Artista | |
Electric Shaver |
'Weird Al: intérprete
Sabrina, she'll bewitch ya |
B*Witched: intérprete
Sabrina (She'll Bewitch Ya) |
B*Witched: escritor, intérprete
What's Your Favorite Flavor |
Cree Summer: intérprete
Melissa Joan Hart: intérprete
Sabrina (She'll Bewitch Ya) |
Martin Brannigan: escritor
Ray Hedges: escritor
What's Your Favorite Flavor |
Emily Hart: intérprete