This "duckumentary," done in the style of "60 Minutes," traces the life of Donald Duck. As Donald's fame grows, so does his ego. While hosting a variety show one night, Donald snaps and fires a gun at the audience for misbehaving....
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Play | Titre | Artiste | |
Nine To Five |
Dolly Parton: interprète, compositeur
I Want a New Duck |
Huey Lewis: auteur
'Weird Al: compositeur
Born to be Wild |
Steppenwolf: interprète, compositeur
Mars Bonfire: auteur
I Want a New Duck |
Weird Al: auteur
You're No Good |
Linda Ronstadt: interprète, compositeur
I Want a New Duck |
Chris Hayes: auteur
You're No Good |
Clint Ballard Jr.: auteur