Once Upon a Coffee House Bande son (1965) BO

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    Once Upon a Coffee House 1965 masque

    Once Upon a Coffee House (1965) Bande son

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    Hootenany a Go-Go

    Tags: beatnik, five word title, coffee shop, independent film

    Rating: 5.5/10 from 52 votes
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Écouter Once Upon a Coffee House (1965) Bande son

A coffeehouse singer is the object of a young man's fancy...he pursues her endlessly in this 60s beatnik comedy.

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Once Upon a Coffee House

Carl Yale: compositeur
Buy Once Upon a Coffee House on Amazon

Ole Blue

Carl Yale: interprète
Buy Ole Blue on Amazon

Once Upon a Coffee House

The Goldebriars: interprète
Buy Once Upon a Coffee House on Amazon

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