Giocare | Colonna sonora | Film/Serie | Tipo | |
If You Were The Only Boy | George Burns Celebrates 80 Years in Show Business | scrittore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | By the Light of the Silvery Moon | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | The Helen Morgan Story | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | The Vagabond Lover | compositore | |
King Chanticleer | By the Light of the Silvery Moon | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Columbia Thrills of Music 9952: Claude Thornhill and His Orchestra | scrittore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | For Me and My Gal | compositore | |
Another Little Drink Wouldn't Do Us Any Harm | Wonder Woman | scrittore | |
Honeysuckle and The Bee | Mr Selfridge | scrittore | |
I Stopped, I Looked and I Listened | Variety Jubilee | compositore | |
If I Were the Only Girl in the World | Mickey | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) | Downton Abbey | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) | The Duchess of Duke Street | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl (in the World) | The Merv Griffin Show | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) | Bertie and Elizabeth | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl (in the World) | The Way Ahead | scrittore | |
If You Were the Only Girl (In the World) | Where's Poppa? | compositore | |
If You Were The Only Girl In the World | 'Allo 'Allo! | scrittore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | Bruce Forsyth and the Generation Game | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | Hamish Macbeth | compositore | |
If You Were The Only Girl In The World | The Agatha Christie Hour | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | Till We Meet Again | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | Toast of the Town | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | First and Last | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | For the Love of Ada | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | God on the Rocks | compositore | |
If You Were The Only Girl In The World | Lilacs in the Spring | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | Lonely Hearts | scrittore | |
If You Were The Only Girl In The World | Our Girl Friday | scrittore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | Piccadilly Incident | scrittore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | The Bridge on the River Kwai | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | The Cat's Meow | scrittore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | The Small Back Room | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | Variety Jubilee | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | Vaudeville | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | In Which We Serve | scrittore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | The Wipers Times | scrittore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World | Vaudeville | compositore | |
If You Were the Only Girl in the World and I was the Only Boy | Upstairs, Downstairs | compositore | |
If You Wrere the Only Girl in the World | Laugh It Off | scrittore | |
King Chanticleer | 14 Carrot Rabbit | compositore | |
King Chanticleer | Ballot Box Bunny | compositore | |
King Chanticleer | Chicken Every Sunday | compositore | |
King Chanticleer | Drip-Along Daffy | compositore | |
King Chanticleer | Flame of Barbary Coast | scrittore | |
King Chanticleer | Hello Frisco, Hello | compositore | |
King Chanticleer | Jekyll & Canada | scrittore | |
King Chanticleer | The Great Ziegfeld | scrittore | |
King Chanticleer | The Hole Idea | compositore | |
King Chanticleer | The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle | scrittore | |
Let The Great Big World Keep Turning | The Duchess of Duke Street | compositore | |
Let the Great Big World Keep Turning | Flesh & Blood | compositore | |
Let the Great Big World Keep Turning | The Magic Box | scrittore | |
Let The Great Big World Keep Turning | Brief Encounter | compositore | |
Let The Great Big World Keep Turning | The Monocled Mutineer | scrittore | |
Let the Great Big World Keep Turning | Flesh and Blood | compositore | |
Oh You Beautiful Doll | Dagmar's Canteen | compositore | |
Oh You Beautiful Doll | Pee-wee's Playhouse | compositore | |
Oh You Beautiful Doll | Tiny Toon Adventures | compositore | |
Oh You Beautiful Doll | Best of Enemies | compositore | |
Oh You Beautiful Doll | The Dolly Sisters | compositore | |
Oh You Beautiful Doll | Titanic | compositore | |
Oh You Beautiful Doll | The Naughty Twenties | compositore | |
Oh You Beautiful Doll | A Hitch in Time | compositore | |
Oh You Beautiful Doll | The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel | scrittore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Name That Tune | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | A Case for PC 49 | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | A Tree Grows in Brooklyn | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Any Little Girl That's a Nice Little Girl | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Big Blonde | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Bimbo's Express | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Calling All Tars | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Cross Country Detours | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Daffy Duck's Movie: Fantastic Island | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Hollywood Steps Out | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Incendiary Blonde | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Mr. Skeffington | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Oh, You Beautiful Doll | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Oh, You Beautiful Doll | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Oh, You Beautiful Doll | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Porky Pig's Feat | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Rabbit Romeo | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Sergeant York | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | So You Think You're Allergic | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Some Mother's Son | scrittore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Strangers on a Train | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | The Bugs Bunny/Road-Runner Movie | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | The Cat Came Back | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | The Eddie Cantor Story | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | The Great White Hope | scrittore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | The Helen Morgan Story | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | The House Across the Street | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | The Mouse That Jack Built | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | The Snake Pit | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Blondie Johnson | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Calling All Tars | compositore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Admission Free | scrittore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Nickelodeon | scrittore | |
Oh! You Beautiful Doll | Dad's Day | compositore | |
Oh! You Beuatiful Doll | So You Want to Wear the Pants | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | 77 Sunset Strip | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Dagmar's Canteen | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Night Court | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | South Riding | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Admiral Broadway Revue | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show | scrittore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Waltons | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Upstairs, Downstairs | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | You Bet Your Life | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | 90 Day Wondering | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | A Bird in a Guilty Cage | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | A Soldier's Plaything | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Backwoods Bunny | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Baseball Bugs | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Bedevilled Rabbit | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Bowery Bugs | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Broadway Rhythm | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Broom-Stick Bunny | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Bugs Bunny Rides Again | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Cannery Woe | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Cavalcade | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Chicken Every Sunday | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Dog Daze | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | East of Eden | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Feed the Kitty | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Flowers for Madame | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Fresh Hare | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Hair-Raising Hare | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Happy Times and Jolly Moments | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Hare Conditioned | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Hollywood Cavalcade | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | It All Came True | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Kidsongs: Baby Animal Songs | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Little Red Riding Rabbit | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Mockingbird Don't Sing | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Mouse Menace | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Movie Memories | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | On Moonlight Bay | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | On Your Toes | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Operation: Rabbit | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Porky Pig's Feat | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Porky's Romance | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Rabbit Fire | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Rabbit Rampage | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Rabbit Romeo | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Reds | scrittore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Reflections in a Golden Eye | scrittore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Roughly Speaking | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Shine on Harvest Moon | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Suicide Fleet | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Big Fun Carnival | scrittore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Bugs Bunny/Road-Runner Movie | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Chow Hound | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Cotton Club | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The FBI Story | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Honey-Mousers | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Mouse That Jack Built | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle | scrittore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Weakly Reporter | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Their Purple Moment | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Those Were Wonderful Days | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Tin Pan Alley | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Tokyo Woes | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Toys Will Be Toys | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Wharf Angel | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Women in Love | scrittore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Austenland | scrittore, compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | Gomer Pyle: USMC | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | China Jones | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Flynns' Journey to Ireland | scrittore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Honeymousers | compositore | |
Oh, You Beautiful Doll | The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet | compositore | |
Song of the Marching Men | Variety Jubilee | scrittore | |
That Charlie Chaplin Walk | Charlie Chaplin, le génie de la liberté | compositore | |
The Honeysuckle and The Bee | Mr Selfridge | esecutore |