Ascolta Jahan Pyar Mile (1969) Colonna Sonora
Jahan Pyar Miley is an Emotional-Romantic Family Drama Film exceptionally crafted by Lekh Tandon. The Story revolves around the life of Vrajendra (played by Shashi Kapoor)- A Kind-Hearted MAn suffering from Amnesia and stays alway...
Acquista film Jahan Pyar Mile
Giocare | Titolo | Artista | |
Baat Zara Hai Aapas Ki |
Shankarsingh Raghuwanshi: compositore
Jaikishan Dayabhai Pankal: compositore
Shraddha Sinha: esecutore
Farooq Kaisser: scrittore
Jaikishan Dayabhai Panchal: compositore