Ascolta NEET Kunoichi to Nazeka Dôsei Hajimemashita (2025) Colonna Sonora
The series follows Tsukasa, a normal salaryman who is attacked one night by demons, and is saved by a genius kunoichi named Shizuri. In her off time though, Shizuri is a lazy otaku NEET. Tsukasa and Shizuri end up living together, with Tsukasa using his homemaking skills to pamper Shizuri as she continues to serve as his bodyguard.
Acquista film NEET Kunoichi to Nazeka Dôsei Hajimemashita
Giocare | Titolo | Artista | |
Neet In Jam |
Mito: compositore, arrangiatore musicale
Shôko Nakagawa: esecutore
Haruko Momoi: scrittore
Real Akiba Boyz: esecutore
NEETopia. |
Kiyomi Kumano: scrittore
Tsukibata Kareh: compositore, arrangiatore musicale
Hinaki Yano: esecutore