Ascolta Oshi no Ko (2024) Colonna Sonora
Based on the popular manga series by Akasaka Aka. A doctor and his recently deceased patient are both reincarnated as twin children of legendary idol Hoshino Ai (of B-Komachi). The series delves into the complex highs and lows of the entertainment world, where desires, passions, and various motives intersect.
Acquista film Oshi no Ko
Giocare | Titolo | Artista | |
Sincerely Yours |
Rokudenashi: esecutore
Akuma |
My First Story: esecutore
Orange Youth |
Da-ice: esecutore
Brilliant rhapsody |
Wanima: esecutore
Moving point P |
Wednesday Campanella: esecutore
Past die Future |
I's: esecutore
Eegana |
Yabai T-Shirts Yasan: esecutore
Umeda Cypher V.A: esecutore