Shin kyûseishu densetsu Hokuto no Ken: Raô den - Jun'ai no shô Colonna sonora (2006) OST

  • Shin kyûseishu densetsu Hokuto no Ken: Raô den - Jun'ai no shô 2006 copertina

    Shin kyûseishu densetsu Hokuto no Ken: Raô den - Jun'ai no shô (2006) Colonna sonora

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Ascolta Shin kyûseishu densetsu Hokuto no Ken: Raô den - Jun'ai no shô (2006) Colonna Sonora

After a nuclear explosion, the survivors must hide from the terrible Sauzer, who wants to dominate the world. Kenshiro is the only hope

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Where the Lights Are: Shew

Yuki Kajiura: compositore
Wakana Ootaki: esecutore

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