Greenskeepers Trilha sonoras

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Greenskeepers are an alternative rock/indie rock band from Chicago. One of their most notable tracks is the cult hit Lotion, a song that pays homage to Buffalo Bill, the fictitious serial killer featured in the 1991 film, The Silence of the Lambs. The chorus of Lotion comes from Buffalo Bill's most recognizable line of dialogue in the film, that being it rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again. Lotion also came in at #90 in the 2004 Triple J Hottest 100. The band made a song...
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Buy 'Lotion' on Amazon Lotion Jackass Forever executante
   Buy 'Back In The Wild' on Amazon Back In The Wild Grey's Anatomy executante
   Buy 'Discoswing' on Amazon Discoswing The Vow executante
   Buy 'Money' on Amazon Money Grey's Anatomy executante