Flowers in the Attic: The Origin Trilha sonora (2022)

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    Flowers in the Attic: The Origin (2022) Trilha sonora


    Flores En El ático


    Les Origines Du Péché


    Flowers In The Attic: The Origin


    Flowers In The Attic: The Origin

    Rating: 7.2/10 from 1842 votes

A prequel to 2014's Flowers in the Attic and its sequel, Petals on the Wind, The Origin begins in 1920 with a younger Olivia Winfield (played by The Girlfriend Experience's Jemima Rooper) working in her father's office and looking forward to the freedom to vote soon. The series explores Olivia Winfield's twisted backstory and the complex reasons that led her to lock her grandchildren in an attic.

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