Two strangers, both at the end of their rope, suddenly meet in the middle of the unpredictable waters of Lake Michigan.
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Play | Título | Artista | |
A Lot to Say |
I'm Not a Pilot: executante
Mark Glatzel: escritor
Peter J. Thomas: escritor
Adrian Equerra: escritor
Ami's Song |
I'm Not a Pilot: executante
Mark Glatzel: escritor
Peter J. Thomas: escritor
Adrian Equerra: escritor
Shirt Lake |
Greta Kline: escritor
Aaron Maine: productor
Frankie Cosmos: executante
String Quartet No. 14 |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: escritor
Get a Real Woman |
Amber: executante
On the Moon |
Jordan Zevon: executante
Anytime That You Like |
Familiar Looking Strangers: executante
The Game |
Familiar Looking Strangers: executante
Anytime That You Like |
Paul Baker: escritor
String Quartet No. 14 |
Demori: executante, arranjador de música
The Game |
Paul Baker and Vinny McPoland: escritor
On the Moon |
Gil Cates Jr.: escritor
Get a Real Woman |
Aaron Cormack and Leo Cormack: escritor